Sundaram Alternates, a trusted name in alternative investments and a subsidiary of the Sundaram Finance Group, announces the launch of an innovative Fixed Income Debt Strategy Portfolio Management Services (PMS) named “F.I.R.S.T”.”F.I.R.S.T” stands for Fixed Income Rated Short Term Strategy, which aims to deliver a gross yield 300-400 bps higher than traditional FD rates. The “F.I.R.S.T” PMS is positioned as an all-season product, aiming to offer superior returns relative to other debt products while effectively managing risk.The portfolio is designed to focus exclusively on investing in RATED & LISTED debt instruments, emphasizing income generation over capital appreciation.Commenting on the launch, Vikaas M Sachdeva, Managing Director of Sundaram Alternate Assets, emphasized, “Sundaram F.I.R.S.T combines the reliability of a Fixed Deposit Plus (FD+) product with the flexibility to customize portfolios based on the risk-return appetites of our discerning customers. It aims to deliver a diversified, rated, and listed portfolio that enhances stability and liquidity, while targeting attractive risk-adjusted returns and prioritizing capital preservation. F.I.R.S.T fills a crucial gap in the asset allocation landscape by offering high-yield returns compared to conventional debt products, presenting a compelling alternative tailored to meet investor needs.”