In Banaskantha, there is a racket of unauthorized sand mining and theft of minerals from the river bed on a large scale. Then once again a big mining theft has been exposed in Araniwada of Kankerage in Banaskantha. This time, not by the police or the system, but by the villagers themselves, the big mining theft has been speeded up by setting up a watch. Earlier, a month ago, the Mines and Minerals Department seized 20 lakh worth of goods worth 20 lakhs from 6 people who were illegally filling sand from Araniwada-Imudetha road in Kankerage. According to the information received, mining was being stolen without royalty in Arniwada of Kankerage taluk of Banaskantha. Then the villagers themselves set up a watch and surrounded the trucks passing through the boundary of Arniwada village. The mining theft of lakhs has been prevented and the system has been saved from major financial losses. Villagers stole mining and surrounded several trucks leaving. Then the trucks full of sand were stopped and informed to the Minerals Department. As soon as the information about this incident was received, a team of the Minerals Department and the police rushed to the spot. Further investigation has been conducted as to from whom these minerals are being stolen. It may be mentioned that the land mafia has gone underground after this biggest ever mineral theft was exposed. In Banaskantha district raids are conducted from time to time by the Department of Mines. However, questions have been raised against the operations of the mining department as sand theft continues. A week ago, a complaint was received from the manager of Disa that illegal sand was being stolen. On the basis of which, more than six crore worth of goods, including trucks, dumpers, machines, sand, were seized in raids. Also, penal action has been taken against the owners of vehicles and vehicles engaged in illegal sand mining.