COLORS Gujarati’s latest show, United State of Gujarat is an engaging family drama that beautifully captures the essence of tradition and modernity. The story revolves around Yamuna (portrayed by Ami Trivedi), a woman who defies her family’s wishes by marrying against their will and fleeing to London. Years pass, and Yamuna’s daughter, Kay (portrayed by Sana Amin Sheikh) discovers her mother’s painful past, realizing that her family in India has severed all ties with her. Determined to reunite the estranged family, she returns to India under the guise of attending her grandmother’s (Portrayed by Ragini Shah) birthday, with the hope of rekindling old relationships. Along the way, a love story blossoms between her and Keshav (portrayed by Raj Anadkat), who becomes an important part of her mission to reunite her family.
Raj Anadkat talks about donning multiple roles, from South Indian to Gujarati, in ‘United State of Gujarat’