The fair has a special significance with the folk culture of Saurashtra. Like festivals and birthdays, people of Saurashtra fairs look at Kagdol wat. The world famous Tarnetar Mela which is held in the vicinity of Trinetreshwar Mahadev in Thangarh taluk of Surendra Nagar district has already started from today. The fair has started from 9:30 am on the third day of Bhadrawa Sud. People in Saurashtra will be enjoying this fair for three consecutive days from today. Big fairs, toy shops, innovative food and beverage shops and human entertainment start to roam before the eyes of the fair. However, along with all these things, Tarnetar Mela is also famous in the country and the world for its history and mythology and religious significance. Starting from Bhadrava Sud Trij, this fair begins with the worship of Lord Mahadev. After that, from the fourth day, the true color of the fair starts. Raas, garba, duha and rhyming rhymes are spoken. Teetodi and Huda Raas are prominent features of this fair.
Finally, on the morning of the fifth day, after Ganga Avataran Aarti, Trinetreshwar Mahadev is hoisted fifty-two yards by Mahant of Paliyad. On the last day of the fair, there is a special importance of bathing in the tanks located in three directions of the temple. Traditional competitions have also been organized in this year’s Swimmer Mela like every time. In which around 24 competitions like embroidery, costumes, umbrella decoration have been held. The competitions held in this three-day fair showcase the whole of Saurashtra. The fair is held at Tarnetar, six miles from Thangarh station. There is an ancient temple of Tanetara in the forest. It is said that this is the land of Vasuki Naga. Here is an elaborate 10th century temple of Tarnetar (Trinetresvara) Mahadev. This land is known as Devpanchal. Folklore has it that Arjun married Draupadi after fishing here. The name of this village has been corrupted from the name of the temple of Trinetreshwar Mahadev.