A three-day grand program is being organized by Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Trust from today on the occasion of the first anniversary of Ram temple. This festival has been named Pratishtha Dwadashi according to the Hindu calendar. As part of which, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath reached Ayodhya on Saturday. Today, special worship of Ramlala was performed. In which Panchamrit Abhishek of Ramlala was performed. CM Yogi inaugurated the 3-day program by performing Mahabhishek. Let us tell you that this year Pratishtha Dwadashi festival is being celebrated according to Muhurat. The first anniversary of Prana Pratishtha of Ramlala is being celebrated in Ayodhya. On this occasion, special worship of Ramlala was performed. In which Ramlala was anointed with milk, curd, ghee, honey and sugar and then bathed in Ganga water. After this, Ramlala was dressed in yellow clothes and decorated with ornaments. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has greeted the countrymen on this occasion. He said- Ram temple will help in fulfilling the resolve of a developed India. According to the temple trust, 2 lakh devotees will have darshan of Ramlala today. Also, the first anniversary of Pran-Pratishtha will be celebrated from January 11 to 13. No VIP darshan will be done during these 3-day celebrations. Also, general darshan will continue from 6.30 to 9.30 in the morning.
Festival in Ayodhya on the first anniversary of Prana Pratishtha: Panchamrit Abhishek of Ramlala, Yogi performed the puja