GCAS portal has been launched for UG and PG admission process. In which there was a lot of confusion and controversy over the scumbag. Since then, protests have started again regarding doing the Ph.D admission process also from GICAs. Because, the desire of the universities is to conduct the admission process in their own way, but the government has also stuck to the admission process from JICAS by sticking to its own advertisement. The biggest question in the admission process from JICAS is the registration fee and admission fee. Because, after paying 300 rupees for registration on GICAS, students also have to pay the examination fee of that university separately. For which the government has not taken any decision yet. It is noteworthy that, Government Univ. Currently registration for Ph.D admission has not started.
The government this year 15 government universities of the state. Gujarat Common Admission Service Portal (GCAS) has been launched for admissions from UG and PG to PhD. UG and PG have been admitted through common registration in this portal, but later there were many glitches during the offline admission process. However, now many confusions and questions have arisen even regarding Ph.D admission. Most of the government universities do not want admission for Ph.D through GICAS portal. Univ. He wants to get in by himself. Because, each subject has different vacancies according to each faculty-branch. For which a big question has arisen to choose the subject in the portal. Apart from this, each Univ. has its own different process and method. Every Univ. A common entrance test is taken for PhD admission. For which every Univ. Determines its own fees. But, this time many questions have arisen due to the new rule implemented by the UGC. UGC has recommended to consider NET score only for Ph.D admission and not take entrance test if not required. Due to which every Univ. Separate seats have to be reserved for students who have passed NET. Along with this, the question of fees also arises by doing the admission process through the Gikas portal. The registration fee on GICAS portal is 300 rupees and later students who apply to that Univ. You have to pay the entrance fee separately. At present, the government has made all the universities aware of the admission process. The details of how many seats are subject wise have been sought from O. Most of the Univ. They have sent their questions and representations to the government on the detail and GICAS portal.