Amreli: Mineral thieves have started stealing sand on a large scale in rivers including Shetrunji river, Wonklao, check dam area of ​​Amreli district. Against this, to cut the nose of the blindfolded system for certain reasons, recently the District Panchayat member caught stealing sand and gave vehicles to the mining officials, the mining department has started a series of raids. 7 tractors were raided in Shetrunji and Dhatrawadi river area and seized with sand. Vipul Dudhat, member of BJP Zilla Panchayat in Amreli wrote a letter to the MP alleging illegal mineral theft against the local administration. After this, it is being discussed that the Mines and Minerals Department woke up late and took action in Amreli district. 3 mining tractors were seized from Shetrunji river near Gokharwala and Chapthal villages of Amreli taluka and 4 tractors from Dhatrawadi river of Rajula taluka near Khakhbai and Wad villages. These tractors were also found to be involved in illegal sand theft and all the items were found by the local authorities from September 20. By September 24, action was taken and 28 lakhs was confiscated and legal action was taken.