Gandhinagar : The Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation is now going to intensify the tax collection campaign from the outstanding property holders. Under which a list of arrears of more than 50 thousand has been prepared. In which a notice is to be issued to collect tax of 147 crores from 2,860 property holders including various departments of the government. Gandhinagar Municipal Corporation was formed in the year 2011 and after that it started collecting tax by surveying various properties. It also includes properties owned by various departments of the state government. In which the highest number of properties owned by the road and building department is included, so far the municipality has arrears of tax of 230.23 crore rupees from 96,591 properties. At present, the corporation has started collection of property tax this year in which 57.25 crores have been collected out of the demand of 84.52 crores while a list of more than 50 thousand arrears has been prepared. In which it has been decided to issue notices to collect an amount of Rs 147 crore from a total of 2,860 debtors including various departments of the government.
62.39 crores were collected in the central zone the most :
This notice will be given in the next month and after that if the money is not reimbursed then a final notice will be given and then steps will be taken up to sealing and confiscation of the property. Most of these arrears are Rs 62.39 crore from 1230 properties in the central zone, Rs 44.40 crore from 470 properties in the north zone and Rs 40.5 crore from 1160 properties in the south zone. Property tax is not paid. Efforts are being made by the Corporation to collect this tax for many years but as the Corporation does not yet have any important operations through this department, it does not show willingness to pay the tax. Because the work including road and sewer system in Gandhinagar is being done by the Capital Planning Department under the Road Building Department.