Gandhinagar: Seasonal rainfall in Gandhinagar district has not yet reached 55 percent. Then the Megh Mehr that happened on Friday seems to have given life to the standing crops. Diwela cultivation is increasing in the district with 15505 hectares. But with general increase in paddy, groundnut and cotton cultivation, the total cultivation has reached 89 percent. Against the average of the last three years of planting, 14 thousand hectares are still left to be planted. According to the sources of the Khetiwadi branch, the average of the last three years of Kharif crop planting in the district is 1,27,086 hectares. Against this, till now 113,203 hectare area has been planted by the farmers with various crops, 11 percent of it is still left to be planted. At that time, 37,116 hectares with 91% area in Dehgam taluk, 24,047 hectares with 90% area in Kalol taluka, 27,991 hectares with 87% area in Gandhinagar taluka and 24,049 hectares with 87% area in Mansa taluka. It has been done by the farmers.Cotton being the main crop in Kharif season has reached 19,225 hectares, groundnuts in 15,878 hectares, diwela in 15,505 hectares and paddy in 11,743 hectares. Apart from this, Guar has also been planted in 3,582 hectares. While farmers have planted fodder in 30,983 hectares.