In Hafeshwar village of Kawant taluk of Chotaudepur district, 150 houses in more than three paliyas of the village were living in darkness for 15 days as the transformer of Madhya Gujarat Power Company broke down. After 15 days, Madhya Gujarat Power Company ordered a new transformer, but the employees of the power company left the transformer at the end of the village. The people of the village lifted the transformer for 3 kilometers on wooden supports. Hafeshwar village is situated on the banks of Narmada river and has 13 different planks. Fifteen days ago in Uttaldhara Paliya, a transformer got burnt due to a fault in a power line and due to this, power supply to around 150 houses was disrupted. After repeated representations to the power company, a new transformer was allocated, but instead of delivering the transformer to the village, the workers left, leaving it behind. The poor tribals carried a 1000 kg transformer on a wooden support to replace the old transformer to get rid of the darkness. . There is an unpaved road in this area. It is difficult to even walk on it. At that time, the local people lifted the transformer and moved it from one place to another on foot, even after facing great difficulty. Due to the neglectful attitude of the Madhya Gujarat Power Company employees, the tribals had to manually lift the transformer to get electricity.