Today is the last dawn and tomorrow Vijayadashami i.e. Dussehra festival will be celebrated all over the country including Gujarat. Gujarat has an age-old tradition of feasting on Jalebi and Fafda on the occasion of Dussehra. But this year, an average price increase of 100 rupees per kg is being seen in fafda and jalebi. Jalebi is being sold at 450 to 650 rupees per kg of jalebi and 500 to 700 rupees per kg of pure country ghee in the state, this year Gujaratis are estimated to consume more than one lakh kg of jalebi in a single day. That means this year, Gujarati people will eat 5 crores worth of jalebis. Due to which counters have been started by the sellers of Fafda Jalebi two days before Dussehra.
Gujaratis will be blown away by Jalebi worth crores of rupees:
Gujaratis are famous for Fafda Jalebi in the country and abroad. But there is a day in 365 days, when Gujaratis go for crores of rupees worth of jalebis in a single day. The day of Dussehra is celebrated as the day of victory of religion over adharma. On this day, Gujaratis eat thousands of kilos of lung jalebi. Gujaratis have kept this tradition going on for years even this year. The fafda jalebi craze for a particular day is so intense that in many places people stand in queues outside farsan shops from 5 am onwards. It can be estimated that how important is eating Fafda Jalebi on the day of Dussehra for Gujaratis. On this day, till late at night in Farsan shops, Fafda Jalebi is prepared.