Vadodara: The PCB police in Vadodara nabbed the accused Ravi Vijay Panchal and Jayesh alias Sonu Thakor with a car full of liquor from the parking lot of Omsai Residency complex near Chacha Nehrunagar at three o’clock yesterday afternoon. When accused Vinod Dangi was declared wanted. The police seized goods worth Rs 32,400 including 324 tins of beer from the car and declared the liquor supplier Vinod Dangi wanted. Regarding this, ASI Hemantbhai Tukaram of PCB filed a complaint at Bapod police station. Now the surprising thing is that Bapod police also raided the place of accused Vijay Panchal after one and a half hours in which 15 bottles of foreign liquor were found in the common general room of the complex in Om Sai Residency. So Bapod police declared Ravi Panchal wanted. It is worth mentioning that although no accused was arrested in this case, Bapod police has declared the accused Pawan alias Golu Bansilal Tolani wanted. Constable Arjunsingh has filed a complaint.The most surprising thing is that one and a half hours after the PCB raids at the same place, the police raids. After that, the police again found a quantity of foreign liquor. Also, two accused are declared wanted even though no accused has been caught. One of the accused was already arrested by PCB, now the action of PCB and Bapod police in the liquor case is under suspicion.