A tale of friendship, self-discovery, and the transformative power of stories comes to life in The Storyteller, a heart-warming film set to captivate audiences across...
A grand classical music program took place at HK Auditorium, Ahmedabad, this past Sunday, organized by Acharya Gruh Mandir under the guidance of Guruji...
The Modi Cabinet meeting today (December 12) approved the One Nation-One Election Bill. According to reports, the Modi government can now present this bill...
Rajasthan's hill station Mount Abu, where the temperature dropped to minus 3 degrees, was blanketed in snow. Local residents and tourists were enjoying the...
Railway DRM visited the redevelopment work of Ahmedabad Kalupur and Sabarmati railway stations. During this, he said that in order to make Kalpur railway...
The inaugural day of the much-awaited India Maritime Heritage Conclave 2024 (IMHC 2024), organized by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways (MoPSW) at...