Illegal gas refilling operation has been caught from a shop located on Dared Masitiya Road near Jamnagar, and the shopkeeper has been detained by the police along with two empty gas cylinders. Based on a tip-off that a shopkeeper named Osman alias Teemu Ismailbhai Khafi, who lives on Dared Masitiya Road near Jamnagar and owns a shop, was illegally refilling gas from a large cooking gas cylinder in his shop, transferring it to a small cylinder and selling it illegally, Panchkoshi B. Division police conducted a raid. During the raid, the above-mentioned shopkeeper was caught red-handed while illegally refilling gas. The police detained the shopkeeper and filed a B.N.S. A case has been registered under Section 287, and two gas cylinders, as well as plastic pipeline, regulator, iron nozzles and electric motor, have been seized from his shop.