After the approval of the government by the Gujarat Board, the exam pattern of class 9 and 11 has also been changed. In which now there will be 30 percent objective questions like standard 10 and 12. While 70 percent will be descriptive questions. Also, general option will be given instead of internal in all the questions. Even in class 9 and 11 many students are failing, this new examination system will benefit the students and more students will appear in class 10 and 12. This new system will be applicable from the current academic year 2024-25. It has been three months since the start of the academic year 2024-25 in schools and now the first examination of schools is coming up. Then the board has finally announced the new exam pattern for class 9-11. A circular has been circulated to all DEOs regarding the change in the question paper-examination pattern in class 9 and 11 with the approval of the government. According to which, instead of 80 percent, 70 percent descriptive questions will be present in class 9 and 11 exams, while objective questions will be 30 percent instead of 20 percent. Also in all descriptive questions general option will be given instead of internal. The government had last year introduced a new exam pattern in class 10 and 12 introducing 30 percent objective-based question pattern. Thus, the examination pattern of class 9 and 11 has also been changed in order to maintain uniformity in the examination pattern i.e. common pattern in class 9 to 12. This new pattern will be applicable in all streams of class 11 and also in Sanskrit first and middle. This revised examination system will be applicable from the current academic year itself. According to this new pattern, the board has prepared and sent the question paper pattern and marks and sample question papers of Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Gujarati first and second language, English first and second language, Hindi first and second language and Sanskrit according to this new pattern. According to which the examination of the next schools will be conducted.