6 devotees have died in a stampede near the Vaikuntha Dwar ticket centers in the famous Tirupati temple in Andhra Pradesh. Thousands of devotees were standing in line at different ticket centers for darshan at Vaikuntha since yesterday morning. This incident happened at a time when devotees were allowed to line up at Vairagi Pattida Park. Darshan at Vaikuntha has been opened for ten days. Due to this, people are lining up in thousands for tokens. 6 people have died due to a stampede at Tirupati temple in Andhra Pradesh. It is reported that 40 people have been injured due to the stampede. The condition of 6 in this accident is said to be serious, due to which the death toll may increase. Expressing grief over the accident, PM Modi said that I am saddened by the stampede that took place in the Tirupati temple in Andhra Pradesh. My sympathies are with the people who have lost their loved ones. I pray for the speedy recovery of the injured. The Andhra Pradesh government is providing all possible assistance to the affected people. The stampede in the temple caused chaos, in which 6 people died and many were injured. A woman named Mallika was also among them. Seeing the situation deteriorating, the police took over and it is said that the situation has been brought under control. There were about four thousand people in the queue for tokens for darshan. Temple Committee Chairman BR Naidu held an immediate meeting. CM Chandrababu Naidu has expressed grief over the incident. He has expressed condolences to the relatives of the deceased and ordered immediate treatment to the injured.
6 devotees die in stampede at Tirupati temple in Andhra Pradesh, 40 injured, PM Modi also expressed grief