In Prayagraj’s Mahakumbh Mela, 12 Jyotirlingas made from 7 crore 51 lakh Rudraksha beads are attracting devotees from far and wide in Shiv Nagari. The Jyotirlinga made in Sector 6 of Mahakumbh is 11 feet high, 9 feet wide and 7 feet thick. 7 crore 51 lakh Rudraksha beads are wrapped around it. These beads have been collected by begging in 10,000 villages. Mouni Baba said that an iron Shivlinga has also been made in Bangladesh to protect Hindus and destroy terrorism. For the last 37 years, he has been making Jyotirlingas made of white, black and red colored Rudraksha beads ranging from one to 26 mukhi. In this Shiva city, six Shivlingas face south and six face north. The only Shivlinga in the world facing south is located in Mahakal Jyotirlinga.