World Lion Day: The Asiatic lion is the pride of India and lion sightings take place in the Gir Foundation-run Indroda Nature Park, but after the death of a lion named Sutra a year ago, there was only one lioness here so a lion-lion pair-Vasant-Swati was brought from Shakkarbagh Zoo. . The lion pair, which was brought in March, was demanded to be exposed in the cage for visitors to see during the summer vacation, but till today, even though today is World Lion Day, the lion-lioness pair cannot be seen by visitors. There are many arguments behind which.

Significant increase in Asiatic lion population:
The Asiatic lion is found roaming naturally in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat, India. A significant increase in the number of Asiatic lions has been seen due to the hard work of the Forest Department of the Government of Gujarat and the joint efforts of the local people. With the increase in population, its residential area has also increased. Lions are found in an area of ​​30 thousand square kilometers of nine districts of Saurashtra. Which is known as Asiatic Lion Landscape. We all know that there are no natural lions in Gandhinagar, but in the year 2018, a pair of lions were kept behind the scenes in Indroda Park managed by Gir Foundation in the outskirts of the capital. In the year 2021, this lion pair was shifted to a new habitat, i.e., an open moat type cage. Where visitors could see them in their natural environment without any hindrance, but due to chronic illness and old age, Sutra, a male lion of the pair brought from Shakkarbagh Zoo, died in August, 2023.
Dignitaries don’t get time or Leo’s position is not right-Questions:
It has been more than 120 days since the lion pair was brought to Indroda Park, but it is yet to be displayed for visitors. That is, their cages are still curtained, despite repeated requests from visitors-nature-lovers-wildlife lovers to not remove the curtains from the cages. People are now raising questions that the Chief Minister or the Forest Minister will not have time to put this lion in an open-mouth type cage or the pair of lions may also have suffered from any disease.
A pair of lions named Vasant and Swati were imprisoned in a curtained cage:
A new pair of lions from Shakkarbagh Zoo were given at the end of March. Two and a half to three year old male lion ‘Vasant’ and female lion ‘Swati’ were brought to Gandhinagar Indroda Park. This sub-adult pair has not been put up for public viewing since it was introduced. The lion is generally called the king of the forest but due to the policy of the managers of Gir Foundation, the curtains of this lion’s cage are not removed and the inhumane activity of keeping this pair of forest kings in cages with curtains is being done. As a result of which a feeling of anger is spreading among the forest lovers.