Rajkot : City Police Commissioner Brajesh Jha today held a meeting with the organizers of 324 Ganpati pandals and gave necessary instructions as part of vigilance to prevent incidents like stone pelting on Ganapati pandal in Syedapura area of Surat from happening in Rajkot. In this meeting, which was held in the presence of officials including Additional Commissioner of Police, all DCPs and ACPs, instructions were given to the organizers of Ganapati pandal to keep CCTV cameras, ensure that volunteers stay 24 hours in the pandal, keep entry and exit gates separate to avoid overcrowding. It was also assured that the police will continue patrolling around the Ganapati Pandals. The police were also instructed to visit Ganapati pandals regularly and promptly address any queries the organizers have. As a result of which police will be patrolling on PCRs and bikes of all police stations around Ganapati Pandals from now on.