National President of Rashtriya Shoshit Samaj Party and former minister Swami Prasad Maurya has created a stir in politics by making a controversial statement. He has said on the Sambal issue that if BJP does not stop searching for temples in mosques, then Buddhist monasteries will also be found in temples. The government is inciting people by raising the Hindu-Muslim issue. Maurya has said that BJP is playing the play card of creating communal rifts to hide its failure. Swami Prasad Maurya went to Mainpuri late on Tuesday night to express grief over the death of Manoj Shakya’s mother from Gola Kuan village of Kusmara area of Kishni assembly constituency. While talking to journalists there, he targeted BJP severely and threatened that people should stop searching for temples in mosques, otherwise Buddhist monasteries will be searched in temples.
Open threat of a powerful leader: Stop searching for temples in mosques, BJP also involved