With the kite festival now just a few hours away, today the cold northerly wind is 5 km per hour. But on the occasion of the Uttarayan kite festival tomorrow, the weather department has said that the speed of the cold northerly wind is expected to be around 10 km, which has spread happiness among kite lovers. It is worth mentioning that according to the weather department, today, the day before Uttarayan, on the 13th, the speed of the northerly wind has been 5 km per hour. Due to the cold wind from the north, there is a hint of cold in the atmosphere. As a result, people going to work in the morning were forced to wear warm clothes. While those from working families who go to work only had to take our help. Today the wind speed is 5 km per hour, but tomorrow too the wind is expected to be northerly and the wind speed is expected to be around 10 km per hour, the Meteorological Department has also expressed. So the possibility that kite enthusiasts will be able to enjoy the kite festival to the fullest cannot be ruled out.