On one hand, the Gujarat government is claiming to realize ‘corruption free Gujarat’ while on the other, the khaki uniform itself is painted in the color of corruption. Lanchia police officers-employees have tarnished the khaki uniform. The Home Department itself has admitted that, in the last three years, the police personnel have taken a cut of Rs.36.56 lakhs. In short, if a crime is committed, a loophole is to be found, throw the money—watch the spectacle. Everything goes wrong. The khaki uniform in Gujarat fades as money is the only goal for the corrupt police officers-employees. By paying installments, criminals are given a free ground. Criminals resort to sleazy police officers-employees to find loopholes. According to the Home Department, 8 police officers and 47 police personnel have been caught accepting bribes in the last three years. All these police officers-employees were caught with a total of Rs.36.56 lakhs.
If you give money to Khaki Vardi, the job is done:
Importantly, not to kill cattle, to reduce the name of the case, to carry on liquor-gambling, cricket betting, not to file liquor cases, to allow vehicles full of animals to go to the slaughter house, to allow vehicles to go through manipulation of wood and stone. Officials take bribes. If you give money to a khaki uniform to release a car or truck from the possession of the police, it will work. Claims of a corruption-free Gujarat are being made and huge advertisements are being made to ask for money in any government department, report to anti-corruption, even though police officers are taking bribes. -Employees do not hesitate. ‘May I Help You’ boards have been put up in the police station, but instead of being helpful, the khaki uniforms themselves have become fond of taking bribes.