Vadodara: Gold and silver jewelery worth Rs 12 lakh from CS Jewelers in Gotri area of Vadodara was stolen from sales girls. At CS Jewellers, located in Gotri area of Vadodara city, a person posing as a customer first placed the jewelery on the showroom table by the owner who wanted to see the purchase. Then, wanting to see other additional ornaments, the owner took out the ornaments placed in the box. Meanwhile, he put his hand in the box and placed the watch in his pocket after looking at the gold jewelry. The gout in the guise of this customer turned away the eyes of the jewelry. Regarding this, while checking the CCTV footage, the shopkeeper noticed that the man in the guise of a customer was putting the gold jewelery from the box into his pocket. So they filed a complaint in the Laxmipura Police Station but it is known that the Laxmipura Police is not filing a complaint till today.