Heavy rains for 4 days since last August 26 led to flooding in many areas of the state. But since the last 10-12 days the sun has been shining, the breeding of mosquitoes has increased. So there are sick beds at every house and there are queues in hospitals. Currently diseases like dengue, malaria, chikungunya, diarrhoea-vomiting, fever, cold, cough, jaundice, typhoid have taken their toll. Due to these diseases, more than 20 deaths and estimated more than 10 thousand people fell ill in September alone. After rains, floods, Bismar roads, landslides, now the epidemic has worsened as if the system has also become ‘sick’. Gujarat is witnessing a tremendous rise in cases of viral infections, diarrhoea-vomiting, dengue and malaria. According to an estimate, more than 10 thousand cases of various diseases have been reported. One thing needs to be clarified here that this figure is limited to city government hospitals only. If the number of cases registered in private hospitals, private clinics and other government hospitals is added to it, then this figure can be worrying. The amount of rain in Ahmedabad city has decreased in the last 15 days. But due to the humid climate, the infestation of mosquitoes has increased. There has been an increase in cases of mosquito-borne disease, viral infection and swine flu in the last 15 days at Sola Civil Hospital in Tewa. Especially in the city of Ahmedabad, there has been a big increase in the cases of dengue, malaria. Apart from this, chikungunya cases have also increased in the last 15 days as compared to the entire year. During 15 days, sometimes sunny and sometimes humid and cloudy weather, experiencing both cold and hot seasons, the cases of viral infections are also increasing.
Mosquito-borne diseases are more prevalent than water-borne diseases:
Sola Civil Hospital reported 4,171 cases of viral infection in the last 15 days. Out of which more than 2000 cases of viral infection were reported at OPD every one week during last 2 weeks. Moreover, 42 patients of diarrhoea-vomiting, 11 of typhoid and 24 of jaundice were treated at Sola Civil Hospital. That is, currently, mosquito-borne disease is more widespread than water-borne disease. ​​​​​​In 15 days, 78 patients with symptoms of swine flu came for treatment at Sola Civil Hospital. Out of which 10 patient reports came positive. 1,337 dengue samples were taken out of which 268 patients reported positive. 62 out of 1,822 samples of malaria and 20 out of 124 samples of chikungunya were reported positive.