A heart-wrenching incident has come to light in Naroda area of Ahmedabad. In which it has been learned that the mother committed suicide by jumping from the third floor with her son. After getting information about the incident, a police team reached the spot. It has also been revealed that the mother is on medication as she is mentally unstable. According to the initial information received, 33-year-old Virajben Vaniya in Hanspura area of Naroda also committed suicide by jumping after throwing her 8-year-old son from the third floor. Virajben’s husband Miteshkumar Vaniya works in the Himmatnagar Dog Squad in the police department. According to information received from sources, the child was mentally unstable and Virajben was also on medication as her mental condition was not good. Upon receiving information about the incident, a police team has reached the spot and is conducting further investigation. Currently, more details are being obtained by questioning neighbors and family members.