In the National Convention of the Democratic Party being held in Chicago, the former President of the United States and the former First Lady Michelle Obama openly stood by the side of the presidential candidate Kamala Harris in the Democratic Party. In this convention, Obama blasted Donald Trump, and said that, in fact, the fear of being defeated by Kamala is haunting Trump. It should be noted that Kamala Harris is the most powerful black person to get the presidential nomination of any party in the presidential race of the most powerful superpower in the world like America. , the first South Asian and the first woman. When Obama came on stage with his wife Michelle Obama to speak at the convention, the Democrats in attendance greeted them with applause and cheers. Obama said at the beginning of his speech. Chikango co homecoming is going to be exciting. They further said that I don’t know about you but I feel like I’m on fire. Ya homa Karee pado fire burns in the distance. This event is becoming fun for the children, they also believe that they can do everything possible. After Obama praised Joe Biden profusely, he launched an attack on Donald Trump. They said that ever since the 78-year-old billionaire stepped down from the ‘golden throne’ nine years ago, they have been firing their questions, making complaints, and now that they are facing the threat of losing to Kamala Harris, they have increased their frustration. They are constantly complaining about conspiracies against them. That complaint has increased with the threat of defeat. After Barack Obama, Michelle Obama stood up to address them. They said that for years, Donald Trump has scared us. Their vision is very limited. They are afraid of two dark-skinned persons. Not only that, but they seem to be anti-women. And that’s why Kamala is making outrageous allegations. They spread hatred instead of good thoughts. I am and always will be with Kamala.