During the festival season, the Surat Municipality conducts sampling and testing of sweet and mava. Despite such work of the municipality, sweets sold in many shops of Surat can harm the health of Surats. As a fly was seen in Srikhand in a sweet shop in Palanpore area of ​​Surat Municipality, the shopkeeper removed the fly and put the Srikhand for sale. The possibility of a health hazard cannot be ruled out if the flies enter the stomach of these Srikhand people. The Surat Municipality has banned the sale of flour, sweetmeat and mava in Surat during the festival of Shravan month. So samples of these items are taken and sent to the laboratory for testing. Although the municipality does this from time to time, there are complaints that many shops are selling food items that are filth and endangering people’s health. A total of 4 samples have failed in 1 of Farali flour and 3 of Dudhana Mawa in the raids conducted by Surat Municipality. Standards were low by Farali flour standards. It should have a moisture content of 12 percent which was high in the sample and a protein content of at least 9 percent which was found to be low in the sample. Also, milk fat should be at least 30 percent in the milk sample which was less in the sample. Due to this defect, the municipality has now started the exercise to take action against these institutions. Despite such operations of the municipality, sweets are being sold in many shops that are selling sweets without any fear of the municipality, endangering the health of the customers. Recently, a video of a dog sitting in a pan outside a shop in Adajan area went viral and after that, before the festival of Rakshabandhan, photos of a dead fly in sweet shops in Srikhand have gone viral. Even after the complaint of the customers, the owner of the dairy has only removed the fly and put the Srikhand for sale, so the possibility of endangering the health of the people cannot be ruled out.