Ahmedabad’s Sarkhej police arrested Bhuva Navalsinh Chavda, the accused who fooled people by performing tantric rituals, five days ago. Accused Navalsinh, who was in police custody during remand, died today, Sunday. According to the information received, Bhuva’s health deteriorated after confessing to the police. After the accused vomited in the lock-up, he collapsed and died. The police claim that during interrogation, the accused Navalsinh Bhuva made a shocking revelation that he had killed 12 people so far. Accused Bhuva Navalsinh Chavda, who fooled people by performing tantric rituals in Ahmedabad, conspired with the owner of a factory in order to get a deal. An attempt was made to murder the factory owner by giving him Sodium Nitrate Nano 3 in the name of a Tantric ritual. The accused called himself Mahani Meldi Maton Bhuvo. The accused robbed the factory owner in the name of a Tantric ritual and later tried to kill him. However, the factory owner was saved when Police Inspector R.K. Dhuliya of Sarkhej Police Station and his team reached in time. Abhijit Singh Rajput, the owner of ABR Cosmetic Trading Factory in Changodar, residing in Sarkhej area of Ahmedabad, was lured by Bhuva Navalsinh Chavda to give him four times the amount of money through a Tantric ritual. Bhuva called the factory owner at Sanathal on December 1 at 3 pm with money. Then, in the name of a Tantric ritual, he planned to kill the owner by mixing a poisonous liquid and making him drink it on the pretext of a ritual. Bhuvo was preparing to kill the factory owner and escape with all the money. However, when the police got information about the entire matter, they reached the spot in time and saved the life of the factory owner. It has been revealed that the factory owner who was trapped in Bhuvo’s trick is her family member.