Ahmedabad: The Gujarat High Court has slammed the AMC officials for correcting the error in the death certificate of the husband of a senior citizen woman. At one point the Deputy Municipal Commissioner of AMC had to appear in court and apologize. He also assured to correct the error in the death certificate of the woman’s husband. The High Court strongly urged the AMC that, in cases of such applications, the AMC authorities should dispose properly and not increase the burden of the court unnecessarily. The High Court severely criticized the AMC authorities and said that in the present case brains were not used by the AMC authorities. For four months, the senior citizen woman has been shuttling between the AMC and the civil hospital. Instead of revising the certificate, the AMC staff pushed him to the civil hospital. During the hearing of this case, the Deputy Municipal Commissioner of South Zone had to appear before the court in person and sought an unconditional apology from the High Court. He assured to make necessary corrections in the death certificate of the woman’s husband after presenting the evidence. At the same time, the court was assured that this would not happen in the future.