The literary community of Ahmedabad gathered on January 5, 2025, at The House of Makeba, Sindhu Bhavan Road, for an inspiring evening hosted by the Ahmedabad Book Club. The highlight of the event was the official launch of Nikita Shah’s latest book, In Our Stories We Live, a compelling collection that explores themes of self-discovery, resilience, and personal transformation.The event featured Nikita Shah, an author known for her poignant storytelling and deep connection with readers. The session was moderated by Shraddha Ahuja Ramani, President of Ahmedabad Book Club, who has been a strong advocate for promoting literature and creating meaningful platforms for authors in the city.Speaking about her new release, Nikita Shah said, “In Our Stories We Live is a reflection of my own life experiences. It is a reminder that our stories — both struggles and triumphs — shape who we are. Through this book, I hope readers find the courage to embrace their own stories and recognize the power they hold.”The audience was captivated by Nikita’s insights into mental health, emotional well-being, and creative self-expression, which are recurring themes in her work. Her talk emphasized the importance of storytelling as a tool for healing, resilience, and personal growth.Shraddha Ahuja Ramani praised the book and Nikita’s journey as an author, saying, “This book is a celebration of life’s challenges and victories. It reminds us that through our stories, we find connection, healing, and strength. The Ahmedabad Book Club is proud to support authors like Nikita Shah, who inspire us with their words.”The event concluded with an interactive Q&A session and a book signing, where attendees had the opportunity to engage with Nikita Shah and get personalized copies of In Our Stories We Live. The launch was met with enthusiasm, with attendees praising the book’s themes of love, trust, and self-discovery.The event marked another milestone in the Ahmedabad Book Club’s ongoing mission to promote literature and create a thriving platform for readers and writers to connect.