Bhavnagar: Local crime branch picked up a man with a quantity of foreign liquor beer in a vacant lot behind Mama’s Deri on Songard railway station road. According to information received from police sources, LCB staff were on patrol in Palitana Division area of Bhavnagar. During that time, information was received that Ajaysih Baldevsih Gohil (res. Tandelia Chowk, Railway Station Road, Songarh) has unloaded a quantity of foreign liquor beer in the fallow place behind Mama Deri on Songarh Railway Station Road. Based on the information, 200 bottles of foreign liquor and 192 tins of beer were found during the raid, the police arrested Ajaysinh Baldevsih Gohil and after questioning, Mahesh Dharamshibhai Parmar (resident of Nawapara area, Songarh district, Sihore district Bhavnagar), Naresh (resident of Palitana district Bhavnagar) Admitting that they have helped, the LCB has registered a case under different sections of prohibition against the three persons in the Songarh police station and further action has been taken.