In January 2021, Vijay Rupani was the chief minister in the state government. Then Udit Agarwal, the then municipal commissioner in Rajkot, gave the contract of 4 bridges to Ranjit Buildcon Pvt. The work of four over bridges in Kalavad Road area with an estimate of Rs 172.65 crore was done in suspicious haste and the cost was reduced to Rs 251 crore by sanctioning toting on (additional) money of Rs 79 crore. The serious thing is that Ranjit Buildcon was earlier (1) dated 8- ESR GSR Water Works work at a cost of Rs.29.73 crore in Raidhar dated 3-2019 and (2) JETCO Chowk dated 29-2-2020 awarded similar ESR work at a cost of Rs.45.50 crore. Both these works were to be completed by 21-12-2021. But this work to Ranjit Builders respectively. 27-7-2023 and completed on 7-3-2024 i.e. more than 2 years.
From the treasury Rs. 79 crore more spent and in return got trouble:
At that time the term of the elected wing in the Rajkot Municipality was over and the administrator’s rule was established. Only urgent emergency routine works are to be done in Administrator’s rule and this bridge in Rajkot was not an emergency. Not only that, the agency had asked for Rs 79 crores and needed to save these crores of public by negotiating, retendering. But the commissioner hastily handed over these works to a single agency, Ranjit Buildcon, before the election was announced as suspicions of corruption arose. The main result was that the work of this bridge was not completed on time and due to this people had to suffer intolerable traffic.