A horrific truck accident took place in Karnataka’s Uttara Kannada district on Wednesday. In which about 10 people died while 15 others were injured. The accident took place near Yellapur on National Highway No. 63 between Arabeil and Gullapura. In this matter, Superintendent of Police Narayan M. said that the victims were going to Kumta market from Savanur to sell vegetables. The truck was carrying fruits and vegetables and more than 30 people were also traveling in it. However, the truck was hit by an accident and there was a scream. The accident occurred at around 5:30 am.
How did the accident happen?
According to information, the accident occurred when the truck driver tried to give way to another vehicle. Due to the heavy weight of the truck, it veered to one side and fell 50 meters into a ravine. Emergency response team members immediately reached the spot as soon as the incident was reported. Initially, 8 people were confirmed dead but later the death toll increased to 10. The injured are currently undergoing treatment at a nearby hospital.
#WATCH | Karnataka | 10 died and 15 injured after a truck carrying them met with an accident early morning today. All of them were travelling to Kumta market from Savanur to sell vegetables: SP Narayana M, Karwar, Uttara Kannada
— ANI (@ANI) January 22, 2025
(Visuals from the spot) https://t.co/hJQ84aljHw pic.twitter.com/dVtNEKQna7