A police complaint has been filed against a trader living in Sadhana Colony area of ​​Jamnagar who demanded Rs 25,000 more after collecting Rs 10,000 interest on Rs 25,000 from him. The details of the incident regarding this complaint are that a 32-year-old youth named Shankarbhai Manharlal Rohera, residing in Sadhana Colony area of ​​Jamnagar, has filed a complaint against Ajay Barchha, residing in Sadhana Colony, for charging him exorbitant interest and demanding more money. According to the police complaint, the complainant businessman had taken Rs 10,000 from the accused Ajay Barchha on interest three months ago, and even after paying Rs 25,000 as interest, he had to pay another Rs 25,000. Since Pathani was being collected, the matter was taken to the City A. Division Police, and the police have registered a case against Ajay Barchha, who was illegally charging interest, and are conducting further investigation.