Eight days have passed since the results of the Maharashtra assembly elections were declared, but there is still no clarity on who will become the Chief Minister. The Mahayuti alliance, which won a landslide victory, is holding new meetings every day to discuss this issue, but has not been able to take a final decision. Therefore, taking advantage of this situation, the opposition alliance has attacked the alliance. NCP (SP) president Sharad Pawar, who is part of the Maha Vikas Aghadi, criticized the Mahayuti and said that the mandate is not being respected in Maharashtra. Which is not good, despite getting such a clear majority, it has not been able to form the government till now. Which gives a clear indication that the majority given by the people is not important to them (the Mahayuti). Whatever is going on in the state is not right.
Abuse of power and money laundering in elections:
Sharad Pawar has alleged that there was abuse of power and money laundering in the elections held in Maharashtra this time. Due to which people are disappointed. He has also called on the people to launch a mass movement on this issue. He said that the parliamentary democracy system in the country will be destroyed. Opposition leaders are raising questions on this issue in Parliament, but they have been stopped from speaking. Every day the proceedings of Parliament are being adjourned on these issues. Therefore, a mass movement should be started now. Social activist Baba Aadhav has started a movement against EVMs in Pune. And has claimed that they are being used for fraud in elections. Congress has also started a nationwide movement against EVMs.